
Friday, July 29, 2005

Wild Zebra - a contemporary dance drama

Of late, Kuala Lumpur has been the venue of concerts and
other events.

Tonight will be the opening night of Wild Zebra, an
innovative and contemporary dance drama which integrates
both ballet and folk dance.

Performed by Shanghai Oriental City Dance Troupe, the
80-strong cast and crew bring to the stage a tragic
love story between two zebras as they desperately try
to escape their destiny.

Described as the Romeo and Juliet of the animal kingdom,
Wild Zebra is written, choreographed and directed by
internationally renowned Zhang Jigang.

Wild Zebra has been performed in over 10 cities in China
and three in Australia. It has been well-received by the
audiences and garnered outstanding reviews from the arts
and entertainment critics.

More details of Wild Zebra here...

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