
Thursday, September 01, 2005

‘Pledge love for nation’

This is a good message to all Malaysians.


Globalisation and the spiralling price of oil are among the greatest challenges Malaysia has faced, the Prime Minister said here today.
"The kinds of challenges we are facinGlobalisation and the spiralling price of oil are among the greatest challenges Malaysia has faced, the Prime Minister said here today.g today are entirely different and greater than what we faced 30, 40 or 50 years ago," Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said in a message published in the Merdeka Parade souvenir booklet.

"We have to be dynamic to withstand the challenges posed by globalisation, liberalisation as well as global pressure, like the increase in oil prices and environmental pollution."

He said it was crucial that the country’s unity and harmony be maintained.

"Let us renew our pledge to be citizens who truly love and care for the nation, not expecting to gain from it but willing to sacrifice for it," he said.

Source: NST

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