
Thursday, February 02, 2006

KL one of the world's cheapest cities

Despite the flurry of price increases last year, Malaysia remains one of the cheapest places in the world to live in.

In the latest cost-of-living survey by the Economist Intelligence Unit, Kuala Lumpur was ranked 95th among 128 cities in the world, up three places from the year before.

The most expensive city in the world was Oslo in Norway, knocking Tokyo from the perch for the first time in 14 years.

Read article: O$LO: No.1 KL: No.95
KL one of the world's cheapest cities...NST


  1. That gave me another reason to love and long to vist this wonderful place...

  2. Hello Hasan, good of you to drop by again. Thank you. You must have read a lot about Malaysia. Yes, this is really a nice place. Hope you'll be able to make a trip here to experience the beauty of the country.
