
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Internet access is still hampered

The Star reported that corporate Internet users have been advised by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to exercise discipline when using the Internet. This is in view of the limited bandwidth available, as Malaysians get back to work Wednesday after a long weekend.

Looks like it will be at least another two weeks until the undersea fibre-optic cables damaged in last week’s earthquake off southern Taiwan are repaired and normal Internet service is restored. MCMC added that non-vital communications should be limited or not allowed at all. People have been advised to check only office mail and not open a browser to surf the net unless necessary.

Users have also been discouraged on using Skype and other Voice-over-Internet protocol (VoIP) applications. The use of chat and instant messaging applications should also be disallowed or restricted at the office.

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