
Thursday, February 01, 2007

eCards from eGreetings

It's a new month today, February. How time flies. Seems like it was only December not too long ago when I was rushing to send out Christmas cards at the very last minute and then it was New Year's and the same routine, mailing out cards! Not that I do not enjoy sending cards to friends and loved ones but it can get a little tedious having to go shopping for them, queue up at the Post Office for stamps and such. Nut not anymore. I found a pleasant alternative. I found eGreetings where there is a really wide selection of funny, risque, animated eCards for any occasion.

The best part about eCards on eGreetings is that I can personalize them with my own message and include pictures too. A yearly subscription is only $13.99 and when I signed up for membership, I got a 30-day trail membership to send as many eCards as I want. There is no longer any worry that my card will not arrive on time as I can schedule my eCards to arrive on the date I want them to arrive. How cool is that? Signing up was easy. I just had to provide some personal information but I am not worried as eGreetings will not distribute members details to any third party.

Mabel's birthday is just around the corner. Mabel is a very sporting and fun girl, so she will enjoy this card that I'm going to send her.

Sam's birthday is just two days away so this sexy birthday eCard
will be just the card for Sam.

This is a sponsored post.

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