
Saturday, February 23, 2008

Malaysian children without birth certificates can now go to school

In an effort to ensure Malaysian children receive equal access to education and prevent them from dropping out of school, children who do not have birth certificates can now be enrolled in school as long as their parents obtain a confirmation letter from their village headman or the Village Development and Safety Committee (JKKK) head.

Education Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said under present regulations, children who do not have birth certificates cannot attend school.

“This is a Cabinet decision and takes effect immediately. These children no longer need to wait for confirmation from the National Registration Department,” he told reporters after chairing a meeting between his ministry and the Plantation and Commodities Ministry.

All school heads have been directed to accept these pupils, he added.

Source: The Star..Children without birth certificates can now go to school

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