
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My retirement to NYC

Guest post written by Nina Zoe

Most people that relocate when they retire move from a hustling and bustling place to a quiet, relaxed place. But I’m doing just the opposite to be near my grandchildren.

I’ve lived in Oklahoma all my life and after my daughter went to New York City for college, she settled down there. This idea didn’t settle so well with me but she’s just as stubborn as I am and has lived there since. Now that she’s started a family, it’s harder for them to make it here for visits between my grandkids’ school and extracurricular activities. We’ll video chat online with my wildblue Oklahoma but it still isn’t the same as being around them all the time.

Her and her husband recently bought a Brooklyn brownstone and suggested I move in with them since they would have the room and I was about to retire. I thought it might be a nice change that would allow me to enjoy my family more so I took them up on the offer.

Now I’m all set up in their place with wildblue satellite New York to keep up with my friends back in Oklahoma and watch the kids after school. I couldn’t be any happier!

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