
Thursday, December 02, 2010

Spreading the Love

Guest post written by Lea Wayne

This time of year, I think we should all do something most of us rarely think to do in our everyday lives: help those less fortunate. As great as this time of year can be for ourselves, what with seeing all of our long-lost relatives, exchanging a bounty of gifts and more food than you can shake a stick at, it's easy to overlook those less fortunate who are probably feeling even worse this time of year. That's why I'm volunteering with a local soup kitchen twice a week this holiday season, to meet and talk with those who are in need of hot meal and a good ear that's willing to listen.

My goal: To bring holiday cheer to anyone I meet. Whether it's someone at the grocery store clerk, my boss, someone at sears cabinet refacing San Diego or whoever and you'd be surprised how a smile and a bit of good tidings can go a long way in making someone's day! Just a little food for thought.

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