
Friday, December 31, 2010

Update on Pahang floods

The Star reported today that more people are being evacuated as floods in Pahang worsen overnight, with the number of evacuees rising to 95 Friday from the 64 on Thursday.

As at 10am this morning, Km18 of the Gebeng-Kuantan Road was flooded and that stretch was closed to light vehicles.

63 people from Kampung Teladas in the Kemaman district were forced to evacuate Thursday night. The good news is, much of the floodwaters receded by early this morning and as at 9am, only 10 people remained at the relief center hall.

A bridge linking the villages of Teladas and Air Putih was made impassable by rising floodwaters for some time Thursday but is now passable.

Source: More people evacuated as floods in Pahang worsen..The Star

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