
Sunday, October 02, 2011

Space travel, anyone?

All a Malaysian needs to do to book a trip to space is merely to enter his name and e-mail into the booking section of the Virgin Galactic website.

According to the website, those interested would need to put down a deposit of US$20,000 (RM63,800) for the tickets, which cost US$200,000 (RM638,000) each.

To book directly with Virgin Galactic, they are required to provide their name, gender, date of birth, country and mobile phone number.

Malaysians are among the 450 customers worldwide who were reported in Wall Street Journal to be snapping up tickets for a private space tour with the Virgin Galactic for US$200,000 a seat.
More..The Star - Fork out only RM638,000 for a few minutes in space

1 comment:

  1. Honestly it's my first time to hear about it. Never thought it's real.
