
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bill tabled to make it compulsory for franchisors to register business

If you are a franchisor in Malaysia, this one is for you.

From The Star:

KUALA LUMPUR: An amendment to the Franchise Act 1998 was tabled to make it a requirement for franchisors to register their businesses before they can operate.

This move was proposed in the Franchise (Amendment) Bill 2012, tabled for the first reading by Deputy Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Rohani Abdul Karim (BN - Batang Lupar) at the Dewan Rakyat on Tuesday.

Currently, the Act does not state that franchisors must register their business with the Registrar of Franchises before they can start operations.

It only states that franchisors must register their franchise with the Registrar before he can make an offer to sell the franchise to any person.

Continue reading..Bill tabled to make it compulsory for franchisors to register business

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