
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Raise in traffic fines

Vehicle-drivers may want to take note of the amendment to the Road Transport Act 1987 that was tabled for first reading at the Dewan Rakyat on Monday.

From The Star:

The maximum fines for three traffic offences were proposed to be increased because such violations caused many road deaths, said the Road Transport Department (JPJ).

JPJ deputy director-general Datuk Ismail Ahmad said Tuesday the three traffic offences - driving without a licence, exceeding the speed limit and ignoring traffic signals - also resulted in many cases of injuries and damage to public property.

The traffic violations were compoundable. The offender can either pay the compound or go to court. If he chooses to pay the compound, the total fine cannot be above RM300, according to Datuk Ismail.

He added that the payment of the compound was based on the principle of "the more you delay, the more you pay."

"For example, if a person does not display his vehicle registration number according to requirements, he only spends RM100 if he pays within 15 days after the summons is issued. If he pays within 15 to 30 days, then he needs to fork out RM150," Ismail said.

By encouraging traffic offenders to pay compounds, Ismail said the congestion and backlog of cases in court can be reduced.

Source: JPJ: Increase in fines proposed as violations caused many road deaths

Related articles:
- Proposal to double maximum fine to RM2,000 for those who drive without licence
- Kong: RM2,000 fine for traffic offence not excessive

1 comment:

  1. I'm also a driver, but I haven't received any traffic ticket so far. My best friend recently recommended me a skilled and experienced lawyer from for any problem with a traffic ticket. Anyway, I hope I will never have trouble with a traffic ticket because these tickets are very expensive and I don't have money to pay them.
