
Thursday, July 12, 2012

New Harmony Act to replace The Sedition Act

Extract from the article in The Star:

The Sedition Act 1948 will be repealed and replaced with a new National Harmony Act in the latest measure under the country's political transformation plan, announced Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

He said the decision to replace the Sedition Act was made to find a mechanism that could determine the best balance between guaranteeing every citizen's freedom of expression and the need to tackle the complex nature of the country's multi-racial and multi-religious society.

Under the proposed Act, he said any attempt by anyone to pit the community against each other would be considered a crime against the people of Malaysia.

Najib said provisions in the new Act would focus on inculcating and protecting harmony and respect within Malaysian society from the action of irresponsible people.

It would allow the Government to act against those who use sensitive issues to split national unity.

He said the new Act would, however, maintain the Government's powers to act against those inciting hatred in order to give rise to disloyalty to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or any Malay Ruler; those who spread ill will and animosity between races; and those who question any right, special position, privileges and prerogatives enshrined and protected under Part 3 or Articles 152, 153 and 181 of the Federal Constitution.

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