
Monday, November 19, 2012

Melbourne to take over issuing, renewal of Malaysian passports

This is good news for Malaysians in Australia especially in the states of Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania.

The Star reported that:

The issuance and renewal of Malaysian passports in Australia will be moved from Canberra to Melbourne early next year. Dr Mohd Rameeze Yahaya, the Malaysian consul-general made the announcement at the Malaysian-Singapore Lasallian dinner Saturday night.

This relocation is in response from years of complaints that Malaysians had to travel to Canberra at great expense to renew or get new passports.

Most feel Melbourne is a far more interesting place to visit than Canberra.

The Malaysian consulate in Perth will continue to keep its passport office.

Another relocation involves the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (Matrade) which would move from Sydney to Melbourne in February.

It will be housed in the same building as the consulate-general in St Kilda Road.

However, the Malaysian Investment Development Authority will remain in Sydney.

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