
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Weak earthquake jolts Kupang in Kedah

The Star reported yesterday that:

A weak earthquake of magnitude 3.8 on the Richter scale, struck Kupang in Kedah at 8.26am on Tuesday, the Meteorological Department reported.

It said in a statement that the quake's epicentre was 11km south of Baling.

Tremors could be felt in areas of Baling. - Bernama

Although Malaysia is not in “The Ring of Fire”, small quakes are still possible, although very rare according to a Meteorological Department spokesman. This earthquake could well be one of these rare occasions.

Below is Google map of both towns, Kupang and Baling in the state of Kedah which is up north of the peninsula parts of which share a common border with Thailand, the land you see on the top right of the map.

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  1. Anonymous8:28 PM

    That's my home state... guess we are all linked together underneath the earth surface...
