
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Malaysian Students Came Out Tops in Mathematics

Because of the currency exchange and the good education system, Malaysia is becoming popular with foreign students. The latest achievement by a private school in an international Mathematics Contest augurs well for the school and for the education system in Malaysia. Story from The Star below..

Students set a world record at World Maths Day contest

STUDENTS from a Malaysian school won top honours in an international Mathe-matics Contest organised by the Unicef and 3P Learning Centre of Australia in conjunction with the recent World Maths Day.

Cempaka Schools of Malaysia swept the top five places in the High School category, beating students from other schools around the world.

In addition, Cempaka also came out tops in the Middle School category (for students age 9-14).

In the worldwide competition, 1,952,879 students from over 38,058 schools, in 204 countries, participated. The on-line competition challenged the Math acuity and speed of participants.

“I am very proud of our students,” Cempaka Schools chairman Datin Freida Pilus said of the world record-breaking event.

“It was a clean sweep; our students are world beaters”, she continued.

“The emphasis that Cempaka gives to Mathematics and the Sciences has shown superlative results. This was also reflected in our SPM results released this week, where we scored 100% distinctions in Science and 92% distinctions in Mathematics.”

In their record-breaking feat that placed them on top of the world, the students correctly answered 4,967,325 questions, in 324,943 minutes which is 66.19% of the total correct answers of the top ten classes in the world.

This has drawn media attention from as far away as Tasmania, Australia, to Florida, the United States, which goes to show the reach of the maths competition.

“This is solid proof and world recognition that Malaysian schools can be the best in the world. We now have a Malaysian brand in education,” Freida said.


  1. That is good to hear! Even after I attended schools overseas, students from Malaysia and Singapore appear to do better than the local students. What a shame huh? Sometime these locals get jealous as well.

  2. Considering some parents had to sell their properties so that their children can have an education, overseas students owe it to their parents to do well, wouldn't you say?

  3. Absolutely! :o)

    By the way, I think I saw you stating that you cannot comment without an error message. I had the same problem last week. As soon as I changed my gmail password, everything is back to normal. You might want to give that a try.

  4. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Thanks, Ai Shiang, for the tip. Will surely give it a shot.

  5. Malaysia Boleh..

    Hope they produce more talents... to replace the useless ones...
