I am happy to report that after yesterday's post of
No Fish Today..., the situation has been corrected after the Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Minister stepped in to settle the dispute and announced to rescind – with immediate effect – the decision compelling the use of insulated fish containers sourced only from one supplier. This would mean that the importers can use the insulated containers on a voluntary basis. With this,
fish is back in the markets..
Source: The Star
Wow, that's a big difference. Filled with fish! This suddenly reminded me about the month of puasa when they sell this ikan bakar especially the skate/sting-ray. It's delicious.
Ikan bakar is sold all-year-round. Like barbeque chicken wings, you can find them at pasar malam and open-air food centers in and around Kuala Lumpur. They have gone up in price though ever since petrol price was hiked but when it came down, ikan bakar price was not readjusted. *sigh*
you locked your "from here... KL"? why la?
Most time, it is easy for prices to go up but difficult to come right down again, isn't it?
Zewt, hi! Good to see you back, even though at this blog.
No, the other blog is not locked. It is just that of late, it has been rather unstable, doing the disappearing act quite often, Others have experienced it too. Perhaps I need to create a new blog, eh?
Ai Shiang, I do agree. In this case, what goes up does not come down. In the name of inflation, I guess.
oh no... enough of blogs for u lor...
Yes, happysurfer I was denied entry into your "From here....KL" blog too : (
Foong, thanks for the heads-up. I too encounter the same problem accessing my own blog sometimes. I will have to get back with Blogger or perhaps set up a new blog to go around the glitch.
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